pauline o’grady


Would you love to hold sacred space in your home and invite the beautiful souls in your life to experience the healing power of Mother Cacao?

I've been hosting private Cacao Ceremonies for 3 years and each has been a very beautiful sometimes moving and sacred time of connection, healing, release love laughter movement and so much more.

Each Ceremony is different it can be in the space and intention of a full or new moon or if you have a special relationship with Goddess or Angel I could channel their essence for your sacred circle.

I give deepest gratitude to my Teachers Carlos, Michelle and Yuri who very generously gave away their wisdom and the Mexican lineage of Cacao which is one of the most ancient.

All of the ceremonies are created on a foundation of opening the Heart and Throat Chakras (portals) calling in the energy of love, healing and connection which can also open a space for initiations and upgrades in energy that are continually being sent to us from the Star Seeds and a little sprinkling of Reiki healing included from me.

In the ceremonies, you can expect a deeply healing experience as I channel the perfect heart healing energy for you with a sprinkle of Reiki Magic.

You and your guests will leave profoundly moved and touched. For more info or to book I'm here and ready to create a deeply healing and magical Cacao Ceremony and Sacred Circle.