Pauline o’grady


In person at Inner Sanctuary


Elevate Energy Session is my signature session giving you all that I have been gifted with, including massage, reiki, crystal and sound healing, cord cutting, karmic and ancestral healing and light language.

“A deep healing journey on a physical, emotional and energetic level”

I hold a sacred and safe space for you and your soul. With the Wisdom of the Angels, Star Seeds and Spirit guides I will channel all that your soul is calling and take you on a deep, healing journey on a physical, emotional and energetic level. Through this you will release energy blocks, potential past life karmic injuries which still manifest in your body and much more - all whilst you are being massaged.

Part 1

AROUND 1.5 hrs

I will channel exactly what your mind, body and soul needs which could include past life, ancestral and karmic healing, healing to the mental, emotional, etheric and physical bodies. Depending on what the Angels and guides bring forward for you I will hold that space for you. This can include the use of healing herbs, crystal bowls, tuning forks and much much more.

As we travel through this lifetime our body holds trauma energetically and this part of the session is to encourage the release of this energy from all of the energy bodies and then we can start the journey at soul level with Angelic Reiki.

Part 2

AROUND 30 mins

After a brief set up change in the healing room, we will then travel to the Angelic Kingdom of Light where you will receive Angelic Reiki for a deeper soul connection and healing on a multi dimensional level with the Angels, Star Seeds and Power Animals. The Angelic Reiki takes place in a shorter timeframe, as it is very powerful.

The session is deeply relaxing and may be the start of a profound journey, releasing all that no longer serves you, in both this lifetime and past. It is a highly bespoke session where you will leave feeling a completely different person.

These sessions vary in time and can take up to 2.5 hours, depending on what the mind, body and soul needs so I allow as long as it takes for this release to happen.

This includes consultation, Reiki Massage, Angelic Reiki and feedback at the end.

“Pauline’s healing is transformational. I have had massive shifts after healings including a third eye opening that has increased my spiritual connection.”

energy healing client