pauline o’grady

Mentorship for children

As well as being an Activator for adults, I also empower gifted children in their journey in this lifetime.


Have you noticed that your child/children have a special gift, are attracted to Crystals and have special abilities?

I am here to offer guidance and empowerment for your children on their spiritual journey and have a variety of tools to help and support this path having taken this pathway myself.

Whether it’s a phone call, an Angelic Reiki or Energy Session or perhaps advice on working with Oracle Cards and much more.

I would love to help this healing journey.

To discuss your needs, you can book a discovery call with me below and we can discuss what could work for you and your child.

“Pauline has been working with my teenage daughter for several months now, her guidance and spiritual work has been absolutely invaluable. Pauline has a very kind and gentle way about her that puts everyone at ease with love and positive energy. The spiritual growth and maturity in our daughter has been noteworthy and we are forever grateful that our paths crossed.”