Pauline is a gifted high energy master, channel, Angelic Reiki Master Teacher, Sacred space holder and so much more.

Welcome wonderful souls.

I am blessed to have been born a channel and a high-energy master and have taken on the sacred journey through my own growth and healing journey on many life and soul levels to provide a sacred and safe space for your own journey.

It hasnā€™t always been an easy journey, from a young child who experienced her life as if in a dream state ā€“ I later learned from a Mayan reading from a Mexican Shaman in India; that it was because I was born in the time of shadow which is rare. It was a huge sigh of relief to understand who I am at a much deeper level.

Iā€™m also blessed to have a magical connection to crystals starting with meditating with them during my early teens and as my gifts have evolved and the more I have studied, I now channel crystal energy and I now bring that deep love and connection with crystals to all of my workshops and healings with my clients.

These gifts are forever expanding and shifting to support humanity in the Ascension Process and in their healing journey.

My journey and training includes over 500 hrs of yoga teacher training, being an Angelic Reiki Master Teacher, Crystal Healer, iRest Yoga Nidra and Breathwork Practitioner, Massage; I have created the most deeply healing Reiki Massage where all your energy bodies release blockages and can include Ancestral and Karmic Trauma, this energy is held in the body also and will impact you until it is cleared. I have also spent a month in Mexico diving deep into Toltec Shamanism which is part of my soul journey.

This year we are moving into Crystalline Consciousness energy of unconditional love and ascension - we are rising back to the 5th dimension from the 3rd where we fell to during the times of Atlantis.

 I am purely the conduit/Bridge for these new energies to come through including channeling Light Language, Crystal Codes, Crystal Energy and connecting with Spirit Guides all of which come through in nearly every session with my clients.

This journey can also include healing karmic ties, ancestral traumas and releasing of energies which may have impacted your experience in life so you move forwards with great ease and joy.

We are all on a continual journey of growth and expansion, keep this close to your heart as the spiritual journey is not always easy, one of the most difficult in your life and Iā€™m here for you to guide you, hold space for you and make it is easy as possible.


Explore the different healing practices I offer below.