pauline o’grady


Each Ceremony is different - always coming from a foundation of love, healing and connection with initiations and upgrades in energy that are continually being sent to us from the Star Seeds and a little sprinkling of Reiki healing included from me.

In the ceremonies, you can expect a deeply healing experience as I channel the perfect heart healing energy for you.

Join me on a beautiful journey to your heart and throat Chakras with the magical medicine that is Cacao.

Cacao has been used in tribal ceremonies for healing and as a sacred medicine since the 1600’s. The cacao will allow you to give thanks and healing to the earth, to take yourself on a deeply healing journey to open space and your heart to the changes you would like to see in the world and as you drink the cacao you will receive these blessings and become one with them.

I host monthly Cacao Ceremonies the next one at Sacred Tones on Parsons Green, Fulham which will include a Gong Bath with Junior Valentine.

I also host and create private Sacred Cacao Ceremonies for special occasions, the most recent one a Ceremony Created in the space and energy of the Goddess Kali.